99 Bottles serial key or number

99 Bottles serial key or number

99 Bottles serial key or number

99 Bottles serial key or number

99 Bottles of Beer

99 Bottles of Beer
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Display the complete lyrics for the song: &#; &#; 99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall.

The beer song

The lyrics follow this form:

99 bottles of beer on the wall
99 bottles of beer
Take one down, pass it around
98 bottles of beer on the wall

98 bottles of beer on the wall
98 bottles of beer
Take one down, pass it around
97 bottles of beer on the wall

and so on, until reaching 0.

Grammatical support for "1 bottle of beer" is optional.

As with any puzzle, try to do it in as creative/concise/comical a way as possible (simple, obvious solutions allowed, too).

Related tasks
See also


See 99 Bottles of Beer/EsoLang


See 99 Bottles of Beer/Assembly


See 99 Bottles of Beer/Assembly


See 99 Bottles of Beer/Assembly


See 99 Bottles of Beer/Assembly


\ 99 bottles of beer on the wall:
: allout "no more bottles"&#;;
: just-one "1 bottle" &#;;
: yeah! dup . " bottles"&#;;
' allout ,
' just-one ,
' yeah! ,
] var, bottles
: .bottles dup 2 n:min bottles @ swap caseof&#;;
: .beer .bottles . " of beer" .&#;;
: .wall .beer " on the wall" .&#;;
: .take " Take one down and pass it around" .&#;;
: beers .wall ", " . .beer '; putc cr
n 0 max .take ", " .
.wall '. putc cr drop&#;;
' beers 1 99 loop- bye


REPORT z99bottles.
DATA lv_no_bottles(2)TYPE n VALUE
DO lv_no_bottles TIMES.
WRITE lv_no_bottles NO-ZERO.
WRITE' bottles of beer on the wall'.
WRITE lv_no_bottles NO-ZERO.
WRITE' bottles of beer'.
WRITE'Take one down, pass it around'.
SUBTRACT1FROM lv_no_bottles.
WRITE lv_no_bottles NO-ZERO.
WRITE' bottles of beer on the wall'.

or (With ABAP )

DATA(cr_lf)= cl_abap_char_utilities=>cr_lf.
it_99_bottles =VALUE #(
FOR i =99THEN i -1 UNTIL i =0( COND string( LET lv =( i -1)
lr = i && | bottles of beer on the wall|
&& cr_lf
&& i && | bottles of beer|
&& cr_lf
&& |Take one down, pass it around|
&& cr_lf
&& lv && | bottles of beer on the wall|
&& cr_lf INWHEN1=1THEN lr )
cl_demo_output=>write( it_99_bottles ).


See 99 Bottles of Beer/Lisp


for(var numBottles:uint = 99; numBottles >0; numBottles--)
trace(numBottles, " bottles of beer on the wall");
trace(numBottles, " bottles of beer");
trace("Take one down, pass it around");
trace(numBottles - 1, " bottles of beer on the wall\n");


Simple version[edit]

with cromwellpsi.com_Io; use cromwellpsi.com_Io;
procedure Bottles is
for X inreverseloop
Put_Line(Integer'Image(X) & " bottles of beer on the wall");
Put_Line(Integer'Image(X) & " bottles of beer");
Put_Line("Take one down, pass it around");
Put_Line(Integer'Image(X - 1) & " bottles of beer on the wall");
end Bottles;

Concurrent version[edit]

with 1 task to print out the information and 99 tasks to specify the number of bottles

with cromwellpsi.com_Io; use cromwellpsi.com_Io;
procedure Tasking_99_Bottles is
subtype Num_Bottles is Natural range;
task Print is
entry Set (Num_Bottles);
end Print;
taskbody Print is
Num&#;: Natural;
for I inreverse Num_Bottles'rangeloop
Set(I)do-- Rendezvous with Counter task I
Num&#;:= I;
end Set;
Put_Line(Integer'Image(Num) & " bottles of beer on the wall");
Put_Line(Integer'Image(Num) & " bottles of beer");
Put_Line("Take one down, pass it around");
Put_Line(Integer'Image(Num - 1) & " bottles of beer on the wall");
orterminate; -- end when all Counter tasks have completed
end Print;
tasktype Counter(I&#;: Num_Bottles);
taskbody Counter is
end Counter;
type Task_Access isaccess Counter;
Task_List&#;: array(Num_Bottles)of Task_Access;
for I in Task_List'rangeloop-- Create 99 Counter tasks
Task_List(I)&#;:= new Counter(I);
end Tasking_99_Bottles;


integer bottles;
bottles = 99;
do {
o_(bottles, " bottles of beer on the wall\n");
o_(bottles, " bottles of beer\n");
o_("Take one down, pass it around\n");
o_(bottles -= 1, " bottles of beer on the wall\n\n");
} while (bottles);


# 99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall
# in Algae
# bottles.A
for (i in ) {
if (i&#;!= 1) {
printf("%d bottles of beer on the wall\n";i);
printf("%d bottles of beer\n";i);
printf("you take on down and pass it around\n");
if ( i == 2) {
printf("%d bottles of beer on the wall\n\n";i-1);
printf("%d bottles of beer on the wall\n\n";i-1);
printf("1 bottle of beer on the wall\n");
printf("1 bottle of beer\n");
printf("you take on down and pass it around..\n");
printf("no more bottles of beer on the wall!\n\n");

ALGOL 68[edit]

FOR bottles FROM 99 TO 1 BY-1 DO
printf(($z-d" bottles of beer on the wall"l$, bottles));
printf(($z-d" bottles of beer"l$, bottles));
printf(($"Take one down, pass it around"l$));
printf(($z-d" bottles of beer on the wall"ll$, bottles-1))


N&#;:= 99;
N&#;:= N - 1;


PROC main()
u: PTR TO CHAR, i, x
t&#;:= 'Take one down, pass it around\n'
s&#;:= '\d bottle\s of beer\s\n'
u&#;:= ' on the wall'
FOR i&#;:= 99 TO 0 STEP -1
ForAll({x}, [u, NIL], `WriteF(s, i, IF i <> 1 THEN 's' ELSE NIL,
IF i > 0 THEN WriteF(t)

Apache Ant[edit]

Implementation in Apache Ant, due to the limitations of Ant, this requires ant-contrib for arithmetic operations and a dummy target to keep Ant from detecting the loop.

<projectname="n bottles"default="99_bottles">
<!-- cromwellpsi.com for arithmetic and if -->
<!-- start count of bottles, you can set this with
e.g. ant -f xml -Dcount=10 -->
Источник: [cromwellpsi.com]
, 99 Bottles serial key or number

Incomprehensibly Concise

Here&#;s the first of four different solutions to the "99 Bottles" song.

Listing Incomprehensibly Concise

This first solution embeds a great deal of logic into the verse string. The code above performs a neat trick. It manages to be concise to the point of incomprehensibility while simultaneously retaining loads of duplication. This code is hard to understand because it is inconsistent and duplicative, and because it contains hidden concepts that it does not name.


The style of the conditionals is inconsistent. Most use the ternary form, as on line

Finally, there&#;s the ternary within a ternary on line 17, which is best left without comment:

Every time the style of the conditionals changes, the reader has to press a mental reset button and start thinking anew. Inconsistent styling makes code harder for humans to parse; it raises costs without providing benefits.


The code duplicates both data and logic. Having multiple copies of the strings "of beer" and "on the wall" isn&#;t great, but at least string duplication is easy to see and understand. Logic, however, is harder to comprehend than data, and duplicated logic is doubly so. Of course, if you want to achieve maximum confusion, you can interpolate duplicated logic inside strings, as does the method above.

For example, "bottle" pluralization is done in three places. The code to do this is identical in two of the places, on Lines 12 and

But later, on line 17, the pluralization logic is subtly different. Suddenly it&#;s not that matters, but :

Duplication of logic suggests that there are concepts hidden in the code that are not yet visible because they haven&#;t been isolated and named. The need to sometimes say "bottle" and other times say "bottles" means something, and the need to sometimes use and other times use means something else. The code gives no clue about what these meanings might be; you&#;re left to figure this out for yourself.


The most obvious point to be made about the names in the method of Listing Incomprehensibly Concise is that there aren&#;t any. The verse string contains embedded logic. Each bit of logic serves some purpose, and it is up to you to construct a mental map of what these purposes might be.

This code would be easier to understand if it did not place that burden upon you, the intrepid reader. The logic that&#;s hidden inside the verse string should be dispersed into methods, and should fill itself with values by sending messages.

Creating a method requires identifying the code you&#;d like to extract and deciding on a method name. This, in turn, requires naming the concept, and naming things is just plain hard. In the case above, it&#;s especially hard. This code not only contains many hidden concepts, but those concepts are mixed together, conflated, such that their individual natures are obscured. Combining many ideas into a small section of code makes it difficult to isolate and name any single concept.

When you first write a piece of code, you obviously know what it does. Therefore, during initial development, the price you pay for poor names is relatively low. However, code is read many more times than it is written, and its ultimate cost is often very high and paid by someone else. Writing code is like writing a book; your efforts are for other readers. Although the struggle for good names is painful, it is worth the effort if you wish your work to survive to be read. Code clarity is built upon names.

Note that the above assertion is, at this point, an unsupported opinion. The best way to judge code would be to compare its value to its cost, but unfortunately it&#;s hard to get good data. Judgments about code are therefore commonly reduced to individual opinion, and humans are not always in accord. There&#;s no perfect solution to this problem, but the Judging Code section, later in this chapter, suggests ways to acquire empirical data about the goodness of code.

Independent of all judgment about how well a bit of code is arranged, code is also charged with doing what it&#;s supposed to do now as well as being easy to alter so that it can do more later. While it&#;s difficult to get exact figures for value and cost, asking the following questions will give you insight into the potential expense of a bit of code:

  1. How difficult was it to write?

  2. How hard is it to understand?

  3. How expensive will it be to change?

The past ("was it") is a memory, the future ("will it be") is imaginary, but the present ("is it") is true right now. The very act of looking at a piece of code declares that you wish to understand it at this moment. Questions 1 and 3 above may or may not concern you, but question 2 always applies.

Code is easy to understand when it clearly reflects the problem it&#;s solving, and thus openly exposes that problem&#;s domain. If Listing Incomprehensibly Concise openly exposed the "99 Bottles" domain, a brief glance at the code would answer these questions:

  1. How many verse variants are there?

  2. Which verses are most alike? In what way?

  3. Which verses are most different, and in what way?

  4. What is the rule to determine which verse comes next?

These questions reflect core concepts of the problem, yet none of their answers are apparent in this solution. The number of variants, the difference between the variants, and the algorithm for looping are distressingly obscure. This code does not reflect its domain, and therefore you can infer that it was difficult to write and will be a challenge to change. If you had to characterize the goal of the writer of Listing Incomprehensibly Concise, you might suggest that their highest priority was brevity. Brevity may be the soul of wit, but it quickly becomes tedious in code.

Incomprehensible conciseness is clearly not the best solution for the "99 Bottles" problem. It&#;s time to examine one that&#;s more verbose.

Speculatively General

This next solution errs in a different direction. It does many things well but can&#;t resist indulging in unnecessary complexity. Have a look at the code below:

Listing Speculatively General

If you find this code less than clear, you&#;re not alone. It&#;s confusing enough to warrant an explanation, but because the explanation naturally reflects the code, it&#;s confusing in its own right. Don&#;t worry if the following paragraphs muddle things further. Their purpose is to help you appreciate the complexity rather than understand the details.

The code above first defines four anonymous functions (lines 1, 7, 13, and 19) and saves them as constants (, , , and ). Notice that each function takes argument but only actually refers to it. The code then defines the and methods. Next comes the method, which passes the current verse number to and sends to the result (line 37). This is the line of code that returns the correct string for a verse of the song.

Things get more interesting in , but before pondering that method, look ahead to the class on line instances are initialized with two arguments, and , and they respond to two messages, and . The method simply returns the verse number that was passed during construction. The method is more complicated; it calls, passing as an argument.

If you now return to and examine lines , you can see that when instances of are created, the argument is a verse number and the argument is one of the anonymous functions. The method gets invoked for every verse of the song, and therefore, one hundred instances of will be created, each containing a verse number and the function that corresponds to that number.

To summarize, sending to an instance of invokes , which uses the value of to select the correct anonymous function on which to create and return an instance of . The method then sends to the returned , which in turn calls the function, passing as an argument. This invokes the function, which may or may not actually use the argument that was passed. Regardless, executing the function returns a string that contains the lyrics for one verse of the song.

  1. How many verse variants are there?
    There are four verse variants (they start on lines 1, 7, 13, and 19 above).

  2. Which verses are most alike? In what way?
    Verses are most alike (as evidenced by the fact that all are produced by the variant).

  3. Which verses are most different? In what way?
    Verses 0, 1 and 2 are clearly different from , although it&#;s not obvious in what way.

  4. What is the rule to determine which verse should be sung next?
    Buried deep within the function is a hard-coded "99," which might cause one to infer that verse 99 follows verse 0.

This solution&#;s answers to the first three questions above are quite an improvement over those of Listing Incomprehensibly Concise. However, all is not perfect; it still does poorly on the value/cost questions:

  1. How difficult was it to write?
    There&#;s far more code here than is needed to pass the tests. This unnecessary code took time to write.

  2. How hard is it to understand?
    The many levels of indirection are confusing. Their existence implies necessity, but you could study this code for a long time without discerning why they are needed.

  3. How expensive will it be to change?
    The mere fact that indirection exists suggests that it&#;s important. You may feel compelled to understand its purpose before making changes.

As you can see from these answers, this solution does a good job of exposing core concepts, but does a bad job of being worth its cost. This good job/bad job divide reflects a fundamental fissure in the code.

Aside from the and methods, the code does two basic things. First, it defines templates for each kind of verse (lines ), and second, it chooses the appropriate template for a specific verse number and renders that verse&#;s lyrics (lines ).

Notice that the verse templates contain all of the information needed to answer the domain questions. There are four templates, and therefore, there must be four verse variants. The template handles verses 3 through 99, so these verses are clearly most alike. Verses 0, 1, and 2 have their own special templates, so each must be unique. The four templates (if you ignore the fact that they&#;re stored in anonymous functions) are very straightforward, which makes answering the domain questions easy.

But it&#;s not the templates that are costly; it&#;s the code that chooses a template and renders the lyrics for a verse. This choosing/rendering code is overly complicated, and while complexity is not forbidden, it is required to pay its own way. In this case, complexity does not.

Instead of 1) defining a function to hold a template, 2) creating a new object to hold the function, and 3) invoking the function with as an argument, the code could merely have put each of the four templates into a method and then used the statement on lines to invoke the correct one. Neither the functions nor the class are needed, and the route between them is a series of pointless jumps through needless hoops.

Given the obvious superiority of this alternative implementation, how on earth did the "calling an anonymous function" variant come about? At this remove, it&#;s difficult to be certain of the motivation, but the code gives the impression that its author feared that the logic for selecting or invoking a template would someday need to change, and so added levels of indirection in a misguided attempt to protect against that day.

They did not succeed. Relative to the alternative, Listing Speculatively General is harder to understand without being easier to change. The additional complexity does not pay off. The author may have acted with the best of intentions, but somewhere along the way, their commitment to the plan overcame good sense.

Programmers love clever code. It&#;s like a neat card trick that uses sleight of hand and misdirection to make magic. Writing it, or suddenly understanding it, supplies a little burst of appreciative pleasure. However, this very pleasure distracts the eye and seduces the mind, and allows cleverness to worm its way into inappropriate places.

You must resist being clever for its own sake. If you are capable of conceiving and implementing a solution as complex as Listing Speculatively General, it is incumbent upon you to accept the harder task and write simpler code.

Concretely Abstract

This solution valiantly attempts to name the concepts in the domain. Here&#;s the code:

Listing Concretely Abstract

Источник: [cromwellpsi.com]
99 Bottles serial key or number

99 Bottles of Beer

"99 Bottles of Beer" is an anonymousfolk song dating to the midth century. It is a traditional reverse counting song in both the United States and Canada. It is popular to sing on road trips, as it has a very repetitive format which is easy to memorize and can take a long time when families sing. In particular, the song is often sung by children on long school bus trips, such as class field trips, or on Scout or Girl Guide outings.


The song's lyrics are as follows:[1][2]

99 bottles of beer on the wall, 99 bottles of beer.
Take one down, pass it around, 98 bottles of beer on the wall

Alternative line:[3]

If one of those bottles should happen to fall, 98 bottles of beer on the wall

The same verse is repeated, each time with one bottle fewer, until there is none left. Variations on the last verse following the last bottle going down include lines such as:

No more bottles of beer on the wall, no more bottles of beer.
Go to the store and buy some more, 99 bottles of beer on the wall


No more bottles of beer on the wall, no more bottles of beer.
We've taken them down and passed them around; now we're drunk and passed out!

Other alternate lines read:

If that one bottle should happen to fall, what a waste of alcohol!


No more bottles of beer on the wall, no more bottles of beer.
There's nothing else to fall, because there's no more bottles of beer on the wall.


The song does not stop at the last "1" or "0" bottles of beer but continues counting with -1 (Negative one) Bottles of beer on the wall Take one down, pass it around, -2 (negative 2) bottles of beer on the wall continuing onward through the negative numbers

Andy Kaufman routine[edit]

The boring and time-consuming nature of the "99 Bottles of Beer" song means that probably only a minority of renditions are done to the final verse.[citation needed] The American comedian Andy Kaufman exploited this fact in the routine early in his career when he would actually sing all verses.[4]


Atticus, a band from Knoxville, Tennessee recorded a thirteen and a half minute live version of the song in its entirety at a club in Glasgow, Scotland called The Cathouse. It was included in the album Figment. Rich Stewart aka Barroom Rambler listed it the number one drinking song out of 86 in an article for Modern Drunkard Magazine the following year.[5]

Mathematically inspired variants[edit]

Donald Byrd has collected dozens of variants inspired by mathematical concepts and written by himself and others.[6] (A subset of his collection has been published.[7]) Byrd argues that the collection has pedagogic as well as amusement value. Among his variants are:

  • "Infinity bottles of beer on the wall". If one bottle is taken down, there are still infinite bottles of beer on the wall (thus creating an unending sequence much like "The Song That Never Ends").
    • "Aleph-null bottles of beer on the wall". Aleph-null is the size of the set of all natural numbers, and is the smallest infinity and the only countable one; therefore, even if an infinite aleph-null of bottles fall, the same amount remains.
    • "Aleph-one/two/three/etc. bottles of beer on the wall". Aleph-one, two, three, etc. are uncountable infinite sets, which are larger than countable ones; therefore, if only a countable infinity of bottles fall, an uncountable number remains.

Other versions in Byrd's collection involve concepts including geometric progressions, differentials, Euler's identity, complex numbers, summation notation, the Cantor set, the Fibonacci sequence, and the continuum hypothesis, among others.

References in computer science[edit]

The computer scientistDonald Knuth proved that the song has a complexity of in his in-joke-article "The Complexity of Songs".[8]

Numerous computer programs exist to output the lyrics to the song. This is analogous to "Hello, World!" programs, with the addition of a loop. As with "Hello World!", this can be a practice exercise for those studying computer programming, and a demonstration of different programming paradigms dealing with looping constructs and syntactic differences between programming languages within a paradigm.

The program has been written in over different programming languages.[9]

A simple example using classical BASIC syntax:

FORBottle=TO1STEP-1PRINTSTR(Bottle)+" bottles of beer on the wall, "+STR(Bottle)+" bottles of beer"PRINT"Take one down and pass it around, "+STR(Bottle-1)+" bottles of beer on the wall"NEXTBottle

Another example using C#:

for(intbottleNumber=;1<=bottleNumber;bottleNumber--){cromwellpsi.comine("{0} bottles of beer on the wall, {0} bottles of beer",bottleNumber);cromwellpsi.comine($"Take one down and pass it around, {bottleNumber - 1} bottles of beer on the wall");}

See also[edit]

  • "Potje met vet"&#;– a traditional Dutch song sung in the same style
  • "Ten Green Bottles"&#;– a similar song which is popular in the United Kingdom


  1. ^Nyberg, Tim (). 99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall: The Complete Lyrics. Andrews McMeel Publishing. p.&#; ISBN&#;.
  2. ^Baird, Kevin C. (). Ruby by example: concepts and code. No Starch Press. p.&#; ISBN&#;.
  3. ^Cohen, Norm (). Folk Music: A Regional Exploration. Greenwood Press. p.&#; ISBN&#;.
  4. ^Patton, Charlie (December 23, ). "Ever-annoying Andy Kaufman gets last laugh | cromwellpsi.com". Archived from the original on Retrieved 15 Sep
  5. ^Stewart, Rich. "Rhythm and Booze: The Top 86 Drinking Songs". Modern Drunkard Magazine. Retrieved
  6. ^Byrd, Donald (). "Infinite Bottles of Beer: Mathematical Concepts with Epsilon Pain, Or: A Cantorial Approach to Cantorian Arithmetic and Other Mathematical Melodies"(PDF). Indiana University, School of Informatics. Retrieved
  7. ^Donald Byrd (). "Infinite Bottles of Beer: A cantorial approach to Cantorian arithmetic and other mathematical melodies". Math Horizons: 16–
  8. ^Knuth, Donald. "The Complexity of Songs"(PDF). Retrieved
  9. ^Team, 99 Bottles of Beer. "99 Bottles of Beer - Start". cromwellpsi.com.

External links[edit]

Источник: [cromwellpsi.com]

What’s New in the 99 Bottles serial key or number?

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System Requirements for 99 Bottles serial key or number

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